Senin, 08 September 2014

20 Tips and Trick Using Windows 8

Berikut ini adalah tips menggunakan Windows 8.

1.      Metro: Langsung ketik itu!
Pertama kita akan mulai dengan trik yang mudah. Jika Anda menggunakan Metro UI pada Windows 8 dan ingin mengupload aplikasi, jangan gerakkan mouse di layar atau scroll mouse, tapi langsung saja ketik! Anda tidak perlu mencari tombol pencarian atau yang lainnya sebab Windows 8 akan mencoba untuk menemukan apapun yang Anda ketik, misalkan itu “Solitaire” atau “Control Panel”.

2.      Screenshots sangat menyenangkan dan serbaguna.
Microsoft akhirnya telah membuat cara yang super mudah untuk membuang konten pada screen down untuk sebuah image file. Pertama Anda klik key Print Screen untuk meng-copy konten, tapi Anda masih harus paste pada image pada aplikasi lainnya. Setelah itu buka Windows Key dan Print Screen secara bersamaan untuk membersihkan seluruh layar Anda pada file PNG dalam gambar folder. Mudah!

3.      Jangan Upgrade!
Ini adalah panduan untuk menginstal Windows 8, dan jangan mengupgrade Windows 8 pada sistem operasi yang sudah ada. Jika hal ini Anda lalukan maka ada potensi yang tidak kompatible pada perangkat lunak, game dan aplikasi “test version” di Windows 8. Ada baiknya Anda baca buku panduan sebelum menginstal Windows 8.

Jumat, 05 September 2014

Fakta Windows 8

13 fakta Windows 8

13 Fakta Dasar Tentang Windows 8
Windows 8 telah muncul sebagai OS versi terbaru dari Microsoft. Berbeda dari Windows versi sebelumnya, Windows 8 yang kini telah diberikan pada developer ini dikatakan support baik desktop maupun tablet. Anda fans Windows dan pastinya penasaran dengan Windows 8.

Berikut ada sejumlah pertanyaan yang barangkali juga menjadipertanyaan di benak Anda tentang Windows 8. Silakan simak satu per satu jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut sehingga saat Windows 8 resmi rilis untuk publik nanti, Anda telah bisa mengoperasikannya dengan mahir.

1. Apakah ada opsi yang memungkinkan booting langsung ke traditional Windows Desktop dan melewati proses yagn ada di Metro UI?

Jawab: Tidak ada. Tidak disediakan toggle resmi untuk melakukannya. Hal seperti itu hanya bisa dilakukan melalui sebuah registry hack. Ada sebuah aplikasi third-party non-official untuk me-nonaktif-kan Metro UI.

2. Seberapa baik solusi integrasi antivirus yang disediakan? Bagaimana tampilannya?

Jawab: Antivirus itu adalah bagian dari Windows Defender. Ada sebuah entry dalan Action Center yang terdapat dalam Control Panel:

Dan ini adalah tampilan aplikasi Windows Defender:

Command Prompt pada Windows 8

Cara Membuka Command Prompt pada Windows 8

Sebuah Windows Command Prompt adalah layar di mana Anda mengetikkan perintah yang Anda ingin jalankan.Command prompt ini sangat berguna jika Anda ingin menggunakan file batch, script dasar, atau untuk melakukan berbagai tugas administratif.Command prompt normal memiliki satu kelemahan dan itu adalah bahwa Anda tidak dapat langsung memulai program yang membutuhkan hak akses administratif untuk bekerja dengan baik.Di sinilah Windows 8 Command Prompt Peningkatan berguna.Ketika Anda menggunakan command prompt ditinggikan, setiap perintah yang Anda ketik dan melaksanakan akan berjalan dengan hak akses administratif.Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menjalankan program apapun dan untuk melakukan semua tugas administratif tanpa harus menunjukkan User Account Control meminta setiap kali.
Pada Windows 8 ada dua metode yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk memulai command prompt ditinggikan.Yang pertama adalah melalui pilihan menu di Power User Tugas Menu dan metode kedua adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah Elevated Command Prompt genteng langsung pada Windows 8 Layar Start.Tutorial ini akan memandu Anda melalui menggunakan kedua metode untuk mengakses command prompt pada Windows 8.


"We Come Out At Night"

Black and gray clouds willow in the balance as the sun falls.
Rain plays a heart warming tune, on the pavement.
Emotions stir.
A feeling of warmness, compassion, I feel at home.
Disguised by surroundings.
As the torn and left in the gutter seek vengeance on their mistreated lives.
As the torn and left in the cold, seek vengeance on mistreated lives.
As the torn and left in the cold, seek vengeance on mistreated lives.

A silhouette stands still.
A cactus on a warm summer night.
But the rain falls cold 
and the moon shines bright.

Black as night.
Cold as ice.
Warm as home.
Ready to live.
Stars they shoot.
In a clear.
Across the sky.
As does my time.
Waiting, wanting, feeling, emotion.
Crying, breaking, loving, nothing.

Clouds swallow the moon, and I'm alone,
thinking good times, and why'd they go?

Breaking down, breaking away from me.
Falling down, breaking away from me.

I need this place to get away from you.

Clouds swallow the moon, and I'm alone,
thinking good times, and why'd they go?

AVENGED SEVENFOLD - The Art Of Subconscious Illusion

"The Art Of Subconscious Illusion"

A living nightmare, asleep but still aware.
The endless torture.
The painless pleasure.
I grasp myself.
Trying to regain control.
I experience and learn.
In another faction of my mind.
So confused.
But everything makes perfect sense.
Can't feel the pain.
Emotional pain's so much deadlier.
Lost, you've just been raped.
Pain. Your friends can't help you.
Why won't they help you? Another reality.

This can't be happening.
Why is this happening?
Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck. Are you?

Trying hard to figure out what's done.
I scramble but now I run.
The images in my head.
All the problems that I've been fed.

Punching slowly my mind can't change the speed.
As my victims bleed.
No matter what I do or how hard I try.
I can't use my abilities.
Use my abilities.
Use my abilities.

Art of Illusion.

My razor sharp knife's edge, pierces my victim's body.
But I cannot take their soul.
Punching through jello, stabbing not killing.
Disappointment. Discomfort.

My razor sharp knife's edge, pierces my victim's body.
But I can't take their soul.
Punching through jello, stabbing not killing.
Disappointment. Discomfort.

AVENGED SEVENFOLD - Darkness Surrounding

"Darkness Surrounding"

Darkness coats us.
The smell of fall.
Changing season.

The graveyard is alive, black cat across my path,
the chill of cold wind, the breath of the dead.

Imprisoned souls.
Trapped for eternity.

Black crows break the silence.
The garden of the dead's alive tonight and you can't stop it.
Just enjoy it.

Open up your mind and you will feel it too.
The sound, the touch, the thoughts, that you've been so blind to.

You can feel the thoughts of the dead.
Feeling the thoughts of the dead.
True or false, it's still there, teaching me.
True or false, still there, teaching me.

You can feel it tonight.
The wood has rotted away.
Take the time absorb it.
Their time is slipping away.
Stone all carved by hand.
Statues that resemble their faces.
They still breathe.
Come join us.

Smell the burning embers, time flickering away.
Timeless but soon gone.
Timeless but soon gone. 

And I can find myself, alone with just my thoughts.
As time crumbles away.
Time crumbles away.

Smell the burning embers, time flickering away.
Timeless but soon gone.
Timeless but soon gone.

And I can find myself, alone with just my thoughts.
As time crumbles away.
Time crumbles away.


"Turn The Other Way"

Slit my wrists, take away the pain.
Slit my throat, there's no one to blame.
Lost in the fields of confusion.
Restless nights, they're not far away.
Away, what.

I came here for something and I'm not turning back.
Strong piece of mind but you still hold my keys.
Keeping my fate deep within your threshold.
Petty inconvenience but it means the world to me.

You hold the power.
To set me free.
Caught in your grasp, how?
Just let me be.
Give me control out.
Out of these depths.
A fiery hell.
I pray for death.

I've been the wrong one time and time again.
Now I'm on my knees forgive me please.
Tore out my heart, handed to me on a silver platter.
Sew up the hole, emptiness in the place of compassion.

You made me this way.
I am the product of your creation.
Sew up the hole, right now,
Now you turn the other way.

You've turned away from me, 
The future's much to far away to see.
I hope you learn the truth,
not the way things were meant to be with me and you.


"To End The Rapture"

The wind of life and air from above smells of death.
Angels sing of the end.
There's nothing you say and nothing you try can change time.
Human race prepares to die...